Girls Just Want to Have Fun
There are some things I'll never figure out in this place, and the curious incident that occurred this week with two guys is one of those weird things people outside here won't believe unless they know someone who's been inside.
There are some things I'll never figure out in this place, and the curious incident that occurred this week with two guys is one of those weird things people outside here won't believe unless they know someone who's been inside.
Sex offenders are a fact of life in prison; and some of them are relatively young and look "normal", you know, like your neighbor, friend or even family member. So we have this 31 year-old ex-EMT in here. He is active in the church and an outgoing guy who speaks well and is very friendly. He has been locked up for 9 years. Two weeks ago, a baby-faced 18 year old moved in--this kid looks about 12 and was scared to death (maybe part of that was because they had him do his receiving at Nottoway, a notorious level 4 facility). Anyway, this young kid wasn't in the building a day before the EMT changed.
Changed? He started playing "grab ass" with the kid, joking around with his hands and wrestling. Here's the thing inside--you keep your hands to yourself unless you’re ready to use them. Not these two--they soon were nicknamed "Mr. and Mrs." for their behavior.
So the other day, a bunk next to EMT opens and EMT decides to get the young kid to fake a knee injury to get a bottom bunk and move next to him (get the idea behind all this?). The kid goes on the ball court and scrapes his knee and claims he fell; however, medical doesn't believe it and sends him back to the building--no bottom bunk for you until your turn comes up mister. That wasn't the end of the story.
Two hours later, they called Mr. EMT to the booth and told him to pack his stuff--"You're being moved to another building," he was told. "But I'm in college," he said. Too bad. You can't carry on a relationship so flagrantly...especially if you and your partner are both registered offenders.
Here's the thing--guys try to hide who they are, but your record is public knowledge and your behavior--your predilections--end up giving you away.
And I don't get it. You tell me a guy has a drug problem--I can see that; you tell me a guy got angry and killed someone--I can even see that; you tell me you stole millions or robbed banks--I can understand that. You tell me you find gratification in children and you begin acting out that behavior even after you get arrested and locked up and I think, "this is way beyond a criminal issue; this is mental.” There's nothing being done in here to change that calculus in that sick man's mind.
Like I said earlier, I don't get it. It's beyond me and I see it and shake my head. Unfortunately it goes on way too much in here--and those guys get too short a sentence without adequate counseling and treatment--that creates a viscous cycle that endangers others.
I don't know what the answer is; I don't know why it happens; I just see the recurring results.