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Friday, July 29, 2011

Moral Dilemma

An incident occurred in DC’s class that caused him and me a great deal of concern and stress.  I share this incident with some misgivings.  This is not typical in classes.  A large number of women work behind the fences serving as nurses, counselors, teachers.  Few incidents occur in prison at this level involving inappropriate sexual conduct by inmates toward female employees. The reality is there is a greater likelihood of a fraternization incident than an unwanted sexual encounter.  Still, what happened this week reminded me we are living, at times, on the edge of anarchy in here.  Then again, the same thing happens in offices and factories around the country on a daily basis.
The two college IT groups are currently enrolled in Health.  The instructor, a very pleasant and attractive mid-thirties woman, is a first time teacher “behind the walls”.  Like everyone else who first goes through security and comes in here as a visitor, it is a little intimidating.  First-time instructors go through a brief (one hour) “orientation” conducted by DOC staff to explain the do’s and don’ts of the institution. As Dr. Y told me one day, when you leave the orientation you’re even afraid to make eye contact with any inmates.  Gradually, what most instructors come to realize is that men in these college classes, while not possessing the full complement of academic skills their counterparts on the street have, nonetheless have more curiosity and hunger to learn than the “free” students they encounter.
Ms. T, after four weeks of classes, was starting to recognize that.  She was changing from a guarded, worried instructor to an outgoing and engaging one.

DC has a member of his cohort (the term used to designate a group of twenty guys who take their classes together) who is known to excuse himself from class and head into the private bathroom for some “personal” time.  Anyway, class ended Monday and, as is our responsibility as aides, DC was resetting the classroom with Ms. T busy collecting her things.  This clown stayed back and called DC aside.
“I need you to take off DC.  The lady digs me.  I’m gonna make my play and set up getting my freak on.” [Exact quote.  I’ve learned an entirely new form of English in here].

DC told the guy “Man, you are nuts.  She’s not into you.  Get your head right.”  He then refused to leave the room which utterly infuriated “Mr. Suave”.  “Man, you f—d up my play.  I was gettin’ in and you ruined it.”
DC came back and talked to me about it.  The dilemma:  do we “rat” the guy out to the school?  I’m sure most readers will say “no brainer”.  But, it’s not that easy, as I’ll lay out in a few minutes.

The guy is looking for female companionship; I understand that.  I’ve been locked up for almost three years, three years of not having physical contact with a female.  The guys laugh at me because – being a “storyteller” – they know I spent almost thirty years with my wife and was never unfaithful.  Relations with some other woman didn’t really tempt me.  I wore my love on my sleeve for my wife.  It is a struggle in here.  One of the cruel elements of incarceration is the fact that intimacy – with your spouse or girlfriend, is disallowed.  But normal, healthy people have urges.  I am convinced one of the reasons there is so much violence in prison is because the system disrupts the normal, intimate contact between these men and the women who love them.
Guys deal with this lack of physical intimacy with females in different ways.  I know I avoid pornography and any sexually suggestive material on TV.  I try and focus on other things.  Sometimes, it’s hard (“that’s what she said!”  Sorry, a continuing joke from “The Office”).

What happens in here is occasionally, a guy will, well, snap.  He’ll believe a female employee/officer really is into him.  The guy may not always be crazy.  As I’ve written before, there are dozens of cases of fraternization every year involving female staff and male inmates.  There are, however, ten times as many cases of guys misreading a pleasant smile and demeanor.  Nothing usually comes of these guys warped thought processes.  But you can’t be 100% sure which leads back to DC and me.
I asked him “is this guy crazy enough to act on this?  Would he put his hands on her?”

DC – “I don’t think so.  He’s just a knucklehead.”
But what if he does act on it?  This compound would be locked down, the college program in jeopardy.

DC assured me he’d never leave any guy alone in the room with Ms. T.  I believe him.  DC may be a pacifist, but even at 58 he still has the hand speed of the great boxer he was forty years ago.  And me, at least four times I’ve been ready and willing to get my butt pummeled.  I learned my first week in the Henrico Jail you can’t let fear and intimidation stop you from doing what’s right.
So we discussed the pros and cons of letting our boss, the principal, know what took place.  Being a snitch in prison is the unpardonable sin.  You may not understand that, but one day incarcerated would change your view.  And, before you quickly say “of course you need to tell”, how many times have you told a friend “your spouse is unfaithful”.  How many times have you said to someone you care about “you shouldn’t divorce your spouse”.  We all have opinions about proper courses of conduct, yet day in and day out we keep them to ourselves.

DC and I met with our boss after a college meeting Wednesday.  DC assured her we saw no imminent danger for Ms. T.  We told her we let two other aides know and none of the guys would be alone in the room with Ms. T or any instructor.
Is that the proper solution?  Did we handle it correctly?  I can’t answer that.  I know I’m comfortable with what we did and I believe we did the right thing.  The thing about doing the “right thing” in here, or out there for that matter, is you have to take a risk sometimes.  If people know where you stand they’ll respect you.  They may not like you sticking your nose in their business, but they’ll respect that you’re willing to take a stand.
DC did the right thing in the class and I’ll back him up and defend him on this one.

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