Virginia is one of a handful of states (almost all part of the
“Old Confederacy”) which enforces a rigorous grooming policy: short cropped hair, moustaches only. For years Rastafarians have done ten or more
years in the hole refusing to cut their dreadlocks. DOC, however, had an exception to the
policy. An inmate could be given a medical
“save profile” if the inmate could establish contact dermatitis from
shaving. As a result, dozens of inmates –
African American mostly – have shave exemptions, allowing them full
beards. The policy also generated an inmate
business in forged profiles.
Last spring, a Federal judge ruled that if DOC could create
a medical exception, then “security” isn’t the primary reason for the facial hair
ban (DOC argued that inmates could grow beards to hide knives or contraband or
after an escape to alter their appearance).
“A religious exception must also be employed”, the judge ruled. But religious exemptions would require DOC to
evaluate each individual request on an objective testing of “their sincerely
held religious beliefs”. That would
create way too much work for each facility.
So DOC capitulated.
Like the boxer who said “no mas”, DOC dropped the shave profile. Beginning October 1st, any male
inmate can grow a one quarter inch full beard.
The only limitation: the inmate
must pay $2 for a “beard id” to go with his “no beard id”.
That’s another court loss for DOC and another brick out of
the wall of the argument that any policy labeled security is sacrosanct. Fact is, DOC spends way too much time at its
lower level facilities enforcing arcane rules that serve neither security nor rehabilitation
purposes. Me? I’m staying beard free…for now.
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