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Friday, December 7, 2012

A Tale of Two Todds

There are two men in here named Todd.  I deal with both and their circumstances have taught me a few things about myself and the world we live in.

“Little Todd” has been locked up on and off for twelve years.  This is his longest “bid”, seven years straight.  He did three in Tennessee and was then transferred back to Virginia to do his sentence here.  Todd comes from a “good family”.  His dad was an Air Force pilot who then taught at officer’s school in Northern Virginia.  His mother was an elementary school principal.  But, Todd sold drugs, got in fights, and in general came in and out of the juvenile system and later, jail.
Todd is, for lack of a better term, socially inept.  He finds it difficult to get along with people.  As a child he was diagnosed as ADHD and was medicated.  I met him when he started in the college program and I found him to be both bright and frustrating.  He couldn’t, it seemed, keep himself out of trouble.  Almost weekly he would have words with another inmate and threats of a fight would hang in the air.  I’d pull him aside; tell him to avoid certain situations and lay low, “thanks Larry”, he’d tell me.  Then, two days later, it would start again.

Todd was impulsive.  He’d do and say whatever hit him.  And, that almost always landed him in hot water.  He lost months of what little bit of good time we can earn after getting caught stealing from the kitchen.
I realized dealing with Todd he was a lot like my brother.  He just couldn’t get along with folks outside or in here.  And I try to help him – maybe because I know I didn’t do enough to help my brother – but I realize Todd won’t change until he “gets it”. 

What’s it?  He needs therapy when he gets out.  Todd is a high risk recidivism candidate.  He’s ill-equipped to deal with the day to day requirements of getting and keeping a job.  Nor is he ready for a healthy relationship and life with another person.
And the sad part is, Todd is just as he’s always been.  He is emotionally immature.  Nothing prison has provided has prepared him for life outside.  He’ll be back because what he needs isn’t provided in here.  He hasn’t grown, he hasn’t matured, and he is destined for more prison, more failure, if society can’t figure out how to break the cycle.

Then, there’s “Big Todd”.  He’s a forty year old black man from Hickory, North Carolina.  He’s bright, witty and … he’s gay.  He makes no bones about it.  He’s gay; not “flaming” girl gay like a certain group of inmates in here.
Todd taught school, sold drugs and fled the Commonwealth when the police came after him.  And that led to his friendship with me.  Todd went on the run to San Francisco.  Well-read and well-traveled, he & I discussed the City by the Bay.  We’d talk restaurants, and wineries and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Todd isn’t your typical inmate.  He has an education and is bright and well-spoken.  He also doesn’t carry the baggage most of the men in here carry from bad families, bad environments, bad opportunities.
Big Todd is finishing up his seven year sentence in 2013.  He’s at low risk to re-offend and has plans and ambitions for the future.  A lot of guys in here stay away from Todd.  “You know, Larry, he’s a homo”, I’ve heard on more than one occasion.  And the funny thing is “pre-prison Larry” may have cared, but I don’t.  He’s an alright guy.  His sexual orientation has nothing to do with the kind of man he is.

I’ve learned that we spend too much time labeling people and making them fit into categories.  As both Todds have taught me, your success, your future, isn’t defined by a label.  Big Todd is gay; that’s his sexual orientation.  But he’s also capable of successfully transitioning into “the real world”.  He’ll never see the inside of a prison again.
The same can’t be said for Little Todd.  His labels weigh him down.  He’ll drown in a continuous cycle of prison bids and failure unless someone gets to him and his core problems.

Two men with the same name, in the same prison building, yet their futures will be quite different.  What’s in a name?  What’s in a label?  You decide.

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