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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

If I Could Vote

If I could vote, I’d be solidly, proudly casting my ballot for either Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul.  I’d even consider Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman.  I know, they’re all Republicans.  That’s not why.  Those four men have all expressed support for prison reform.
Newt Gingrich is a founding member of “Right on Crime” a conservative advocacy group calling for fewer prisons, shorter sentences and lower incarceration rates.  They focus on reducing recidivism through a “cost-effective criminal justice system”.  They seek less imprisonment and strategies that emphasize restitution, work and treatment. 
In a policy statement, Right on Crime set out:  “one way to save money is reduce our reliance on prisons which serve a critical role by incapacitating dangerous offenders and career criminals but are not the solution for every type of offender… [an] unintended consequence of [prison’] is hardening many non-violent low risk offenders and making them worse than when they entered.”

That it is conservative Republicans pushing prison reform while the nation’s first “black” President has done little to nothing to seek such reform is an irony inmates are still coming to grips with.  If for no other reason than my own excessively long sentence, I am hoping for a GOP landslide in 2012.

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