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Monday, January 9, 2012

A Passing Thought

My close friend in here, Craig, is having a very difficult weekend.  Earlier today, he broke down, tears rolling down his cheeks.  As I’ve noted before in this blog, men try to not show pain.  It’s viewed as a sign of weakness in this Darwinian nightmare where survival of the fittest takes on new meaning.  That we trust one or two guys who we can open up to is a testament to the human spirit.
Craig learned two days ago that his girlfriend, a woman who has stayed by him throughout the first seven years of his twelve year sentence, has breast cancer.  It is an aggressive form and, though not yet in her lymph glands, requires her to undergo a double mastectomy this week.  Craig feels helpless.  He can’t be there for her.  All he can do is listen on the phone, offer as much love and support as you can when you’re separated by 400 miles and barbed wire fences.  And, he must maintain.  He can’t show weakness; he can’t show emotion.  He has to act like he’s holding it together.  All the while, his mind races, his emotions churn and he feels helpless.
This is a terrible environment, a dehumanizing environment an unjust an unmerciful environment in so many ways.  It is even worse when you are here and those who love you, who need you, are outside.  You are alone with your thoughts and the feelings of helplessness and despair can be insurmountable.

I wish you could see what I see in here.  For the vast majority of those incarcerated are not “bad people”.  They are people who simply made a mistake.  And some mistakes are worse than others.  Yet, in God’s eyes we all fall short.  My eyes have been opened so many times in here as I’ve watched men grieve, love, suffer, battle.  There is humanity behind these walls.  And, just like the real world, there is good and evil doing battle daily.
Humanity.  Justice.  Mercy.  Compassion.  We throw those words around so much yet think so little about what they truly mean, what is required of all of us to live according to those principles.

Craig and Tammy are in my prayers.  I ask that they be in yours as well.  And pray for the prisoners, all of them.  Pray for a better way, for real justice, real mercy, real compassion.

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