Right now, they are peddling a great con job on the citizens of Virginia. They need to either do what they claim they want to do or be honest enough to say “screw re-entry; screw restorative justice; screw rehabilitation.”
This prison is now being led by both a warden and an assistant warden who publicly state their responsibility is to keep inmates locked up.
Officers I know reported that the assistant warden announced at his department head meeting this week:
“I hate flowers, fraternization and felons.”
Flowers? Yes, here at Lunenburg the inmates maintain two greenhouses where spring and fall flowers are grown. In April and again in September the yard crew plants these flowers along the sides of the “boulevard” – the main walkway connecting the seven dorms, vocational, educational, factory and chow hall. Around the flowering pear trees that dot the main lawn, flowers are also planted. Rich mulch is spread. The yard crew waters and maintains the plants and learns a little about horticulture and landscaping. Ah, screw it. Blacktop the entire area!
What this genius assistant warden missed is the Rudy Giuliani lesson on broken windows. Want people in a neighborhood to take pride in where they live? Fix the broken windows, pick up the trash. Want inmates to feel embittered about their circumstances, bombard them every day with reminders of block and fences and that they don’t matter.
Over and over guys here tell me I’m fooling myself. “They aren’t gonna help us get an education. They aren’t gonna let us go early. They make money off of us and the public doesn’t care.”
What Mr. Clarke and Governor McDonnell need to realize is recidivism is a mindset. DOC gives inmates zero reason to believe they matter, that what they do matters. We’ve heard the expression “hearts and minds” whenever the military is involved in an action overseas. Win the hearts and minds of the population. Convince them you are there to help them, improve them.
Crime is often described as a war. Well Virginia, you’re losing the war on crime. You spend over $1 billion a year with the costs going up each year and the recidivism rate is increasing. And crime is generational. Lock up one out of four young black men and see how the children of those incarcerated do.
Instead of being courageous and honest and changing the dialogue and mindset of DOC, Messrs. Clarke and McDonnell do the same old, same old, putting wardens and assistant wardens in place who make no bones about trying to put the brakes on re-entry education programs.
A part of the IT grant money was spent installing “smart boards” in two classrooms – one in the programs building and one in the horticulture building (outside the program building by the greenhouses). The first term of school, night classes used the boards. This semester’s math class assigned to the horticulture building has been shifted and the board sits unused. “Can’t waste an officer out there” is the excuse.
Is it any wonder these guys lack hope, lack desire to change, don’t believe in the Governor? They’ve heard it all before. They know a good con job when one’s being peddled.
I desperately hope you and all the other criminals refuse to take pride in the place where you are incarcerated. I hope you hate it so bad you will never want to plant a flower there and most of all you will never go back. Pour asphalt! If you keep getting to plant flowers you will like it there and when mom or grandma or you don't have the money to plant flowers, prison will be prettier than their asphalt. Get a grip, stop whining.
ReplyDeleteThink before you write. Stop abusing quotes and writings out of context to defend your whining.
Again, you don't have the right to use our military as a comparison to your situation, you don't rank.
Yes! Recidivism is a mind set. The criminals' mind set. What you want is the DOC to "give" the criminal a new mind to not partake in criminal activity. Guess what? You already have a mind, what you do with it is your choice and no one else's.
The only one in complete control of the mind set of any man is HIMSELF. HE and only HE can change his mind. That my friend is the power of the human, his mind. No matter how much is given, what is given, good or bad my friend, what a human being does with his mind is his choice. So choose.
For all those who have kept their interest, hope, and desire to change through reasoning of their own mind in spite of turmoil...YOU ARE MY HERO!
Yep....you care, you work your tail off to assist others get an education....but you can't change their mind set, only they can.
If a man uses his own mind, his own personal reasoning and thought process to evaluate and impliment a change, then and only then will it be true. Otherwise my friend you are dealing with pure emotion and manipulative behavior. The thoughts are not well thought or reasoned and the actions rendered are confused. All you get is "sheep to the slaughter".
Your fight is not for prisoners, or recidivism, or education for prisoners, but rather it is a pacifier for what you have lost and fear you will never get back. Of those you are trying to win over, they will never fill the hole you created in your heart when you stopped reasoning well and discarded what you really wanted, the respect and love of your family. It was your choice, your mind set...and now your price. Do you time, change your mind and never go back.
As my son recently asked me to tell his brother, who was not happy with his job "tighten up".
Thanks for writing, I too find freedom in it.
Alaska says hello