I have all these questions that keep popping up every time I hear
some politician comment on the need for "get tough" policies that
keep folks incarcerated for long stretches.
Here I go:
Here I go:
What’s the real cost for locking someone up? Yeah, I know you
claim it costs $27,000+ a year to keep someone behind bars;
but that person also isn't working and paying taxes; and, if that
person has kids, chances are that child is living under the
poverty level and getting government aid; even worse, that
child's likelihood of ending up in here dramatically increases.
So, what is the real cost to society?
You talk a lot about Virginia's low recidivism rate, yet every
independent study conducted on state recidivism rates always
notes that Virginia's approach to collection is different from the
rest of the countries. And, as low as it is, it hasn't changed a bit
since parole was abolished back in 1994. It's still a little below
30%. The difference is, back in '94 there were 9500 inmates;
today there are about 40,000. And today, Virginia spends over
$1.1 billion on corrections even though there isn't a whole lot of
correcting going on. Programs for drug and alcohol treatment
are a joke. Mental health treatment largely consists of high
doses of antipsychotic meds. Safety? Go to a higher level and
see the number of stabbings, rapes, assaults. Drugs are
everywhere in the system; officers and staff are walked off
every day for fraternizing with offenders. No one is held
accountable--wardens and security chiefs keep their jobs;
money gets flushed every day. There is no one who is held
responsible. Rules--such as daily schedules and policies--are
routinely ignored by the officers while offenders are nitpicked
over silly housing policies which breeds further contempt and
distrust. We always hear how low the recidivism rate is; yet
most adult offenders started out in the Virginia juvenile system--
how effective is the Department of Corrections really?
Why is it that DOC signed a consent order and settled a class
action law suit brought by 5 women at Fluvanna over the poor
medical care in the system, yet the same problems that existed
there exist at every facility and still DOC fails to take control
over the medical care? Hepatitis C positive inmates are daily
denied access to treatment; injuries requiring surgery are put
off; specialist’s orders are ignored by contract doctors who
know that their private company's profit margin will only exist if
treatment is denied. And still, DOC does not comply with the
order of the Federal Court.
How much does GTL, Keefe, and the other corrections-
industrial corporations spend on lobbying Virginia politicians to
keep their contracts in place and how much does Virginia
receive as "commissions" under those contracts? How much
does Virginia spend each year in legal fees and expenses when
DOC loses cases for violations of inmate rights?
Why do states--mostly under the control of Republicans--that
have implemented prison reform with early release show better
results in their DOC's than Virginia?