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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hey Mr. DOC Director



            Dear Sir:

            You spend a good deal of time telling the public how important re-entry is. DOC spends millions on “cognitive community” buildings run by “Evidence-Based” management techniques. Such great terminology that – in reality – means absolutely nothing to real success after prison. How much do you really know about what goes on in your prisons?

            Evidence-based failure, that’s it in a nutshell. Mr. Director, you spend millions on multiple layers of staff who spend their time trying to persuade others that their jobs really matter. Have you seen the flow-chart posted in the buildings that detail who offenders need to address questions to?

            Counselors report to “unit managers.” Unit managers’ report to the “Evidence-based manager,” who puts childish rules in place (“no sitting in your chairs during quiet time”) that have nothing to do with preparing men for life in the real world. That’s what your “E-B” program is giving you: silly, inane rules that just piss the men off and do nothing to promote leaving and never re-offending.

            As if that wasn’t bad enough, you put people in positions of responsibility who are anti-education, anti-college especially. This facility has a nationally recognized college program which has been written about by an eminent Harvard researcher. All the students pay their own way (no other DOC program is self-funded). The students reside together, study together, and rec and eat together creating a community. This seems like a good thing, right?

            Why then does your security chief scoff openly about the program? Why are new arrivals constantly dumped in the open bunks while other buildings have empty space? Why does your Evidenced-Based manager get away with saying there should be no college building?

            You’re in charge; do something. You know the Harvard researcher and you know what the research proves: earning a college degree while incarcerated is the most successful tool to reducing recidivism. Tell your staff, “Get on board or get a different line of work.” Become an advocate, not an adversary.

            Inmates don’t need “words” of the day and silly rules; they need real job skills, real educational opportunities, real interview practice. That’s what the “evidence” proves, not the crap that’s being pedaled out here.


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