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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Letter A Week

In the movie “Shawshank Redemption”, Andy the banker wrongly convicted of murdering his cheating wife and lover, discovers the prison library is in dire need of books.  “I’ll write the Governor a letter a week until he answers”, Andy says.  For the next four years he writes every week with no answer.  Finally, out of the blue, he’s called to the warden’s office.  Boxes and boxes of books, records and school supplies are there with a $200 check and a letter from the Governor.
“This is for your library.  Please stop writing.”
What does Andy do?  He starts sending two letters a week.

Persistence.  The guys in the college building all know about this blog.  They know one of my “letters” went to Governor McDonnell and a recent letter went to DOC Director Clarke.  “Did anyone write back?”  I’m asked that a dozen times a week.
Eventually someone will.  Eventually someone will listen and understand what it’s like in here.  And things will begin to change.  I believe that.  More importantly, a lot of guys in here who never believed in anything are starting to believe.

Words matter.  Words make a difference.  Words bring about change.


  1. Interesting, amusing and sometimes thought provoking read. You have a way with words. Good luck to you.

  2. Lovely to find your blog~! Absolutely perfect, i absolutely love this article.

    Business Letters
