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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where are our cups?

This week all the inmates received a small care package from a church outreach group in Missouri.   A small plastic bag was handed out with a bar of soap, small bottle of shampoo, a cup lid and a book of devotionals (weird thought to ponder:  there were six books randomly handed out; as though “predestined”, I received “Devotions for the Brokenhearted”).
Word was already out around the compound:  the guys who unloaded the truck saw cups, bags of candy, toothbrushes and toothpaste.  So, as we lined up for our packages, guys began to ask the building “counselor” (the Orwellian word DOC uses for the guy in charge of our annual reviews) “Where’s the cup man?”
And the counselor told the guys straight:  “Warden wouldn’t let you have the plastic cup or other stuff”.  Here’s my question:  Did the warden send the “prohibited” stuff back to the church group?  I can buy my own plastic cup for 45 cents on commissary.  But why would you not let a church provide a cup to an inmate?

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