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Thursday, March 31, 2011

On Writing Inside

The school principal recently asked me to oversee the creation of a literary magazine with the intended purpose of giving budding writers in here an avenue to share their stories and poems with larger prison communities.

As part of that undertaking, I thought a fair amount about why I write. I’m frequently asked by guys not just “what are you writing” but “why do you spend so much time writing?” The following blog, “Writing Inside” tries to briefly explain the reason behind all this.

I frequently am deeply moved by the responses I receive from readers of the blog. As you’ve noticed, sometimes I even respond. Every time, I take what is written to me to heart.

This past week I received two very moving, thought provoking response from an “Anonymous” reader (I’m not sure if they are from one or two different readers). Both entries deeply moved me in ways that will remain personal to me for the time being. But, I want “Anonymous” (or Anonymi) to know how much those two pieces meant to me.

I was told recently by one of the teachers with whom I work that I have “a fascinating life story”. I told her the truth is we all have fascinating life stories. I have met so many remarkable men (and women) during these past three years. I’ve even co-opted some of their stories for short stories I write (Hint to any literary agents: I have a series of short stories available).

Life, I’ve learned, is not static. It constantly moves forward and each day brings new challenges. As “Anonymous” reminded me last week, we have to remember how blessed we are everyday, even in our trials. I found a brief, anonymous prayer the other day that really made me think: “Lord, help me to accept those things I don’t always understand.”

One final thought. In Big S’s Modern Language Bible I stumbled across a passage that stopped me. As Jesus was explaining his objection to the Pharisee’s reliance on Moses’ Certificates of Divorce (how ironic I stopped there!), it said the following: “You rely on man’s law rather than God’s moral requirement.”

I try and live righteously in here. I realize this is a tough environment to live that way. But, it’s perhaps tougher outside. Rationalization may help us sleep (I used it for twelve years), but it doesn’t change what the Lord requires from us – to love, to forgive and to live in righteous obedience.

1 comment:

  1. I am the only anonymous! I am happy that my comments have helped you.

    I pray for you daily and KNOW that God is using you...this blog is proof!

